In my own personal experience, I use social media to talk to my friends from home, from school, and my family almost on a daily basis. While at school, my cell phone and facebook are my main means of communication with my friends from home. I especially use text messaging because it allows me to talk to my friends all day long while being able to perform other tasks. When I do not have access to my cell phone I feel like I am missing out on so much. I feel like people are trying to get a hold of me and I can't respond. I know, when at school, my parents get nervous when I do not answer my phone because I always have it on me. They think that something is wrong.
I feel in today's day and age social media is our main communication source. It is the way that I find out about what is going on the world because I am unable to have a television in my room at school. It gives me access to information I wouldn't be able to obtain through the television or the newspaper. This phenomenon is just going to continue to grow and it is something everyone will soon be using.
Do you think you are a victim of conforming to social media? If so, what part of social media do you use the most and why?